The CRT-TV roars, the fan hums, and the neon buzzes. With the generator's float, it's an electromagnetic festival procession.
Now, let's make some noise.
Solar Power Generation Float Makes Its Debut!
Following the traditional Japanese festivals of fire, water, wind, and earth passed down since ancient times, we present the inaugural "Electromagnetic Matsuri Parade," an indispensable modern tribute to electricity! Amidst the collaborative fusion of music, art, engineering, science, and design, approximately 60 individuals spanning a length of about 30 meters unleash the frenzy of early spring 2024.
"When the household appliances complete their roles and return to the wild, they transform into electrified Yokai and begin to sing.
The "Hatsu" (heart) of the festival is the "Hatsu-denki" (generator) float, which is powered by electricity generated from sunlight.
Supplied with electricity from the float, old appliances are resurrected as musical instruments.
Let's parade through the electromagnetic wilderness—Now, let's make some noise!"
◼️Household Appliance Remodeling Music Ensemble
Photo by Mao Yamamoto
Led by the artist Wada Ei, this project brings together various collaborators to resurrect disused electrical appliances as new kinds of musical instruments that gradually form an orchestra. It is currently active in five cities in Japan and via an online laboratory as a participatory art project with close to a hundred members. To date, numerous types of appliances have transformed into musical instruments, from CRT-TV sets to electric fans, extractor fans, video cameras, air conditioners, and telephones. Participants draw on their creative ingenuity to reconfigure the original function of these electrical appliances for musical purposes, which is then channeled into fantasies that conjure up “electromagnetic native music” and festivals from these obsolete forms of technology.
◼️Electrical Nerd
Photo by 海波 │ minami
Ei Wada
Ever since he can remember, Wada Ei has envisioned a music festival taking place at a soaring crab leg tower of CRT-TV sets. When a friend told him that no such place existed on the planet, he realized he would have to make it himself, which led him to what he does today. He is the leader of Open Reel Ensemble, which performs music on vintage reel-to-reel tape recorders. In 2015, he launched ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! For the project, he received the 68th Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Art Encouragement Prize for New Artists. Ei ran into the friend who told him there was no such place, and the friend was amazed that Ei still continued to work on the dream.
Electric Appliance Musical Instruments in development.
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